A series of illustrations based on RISD community’s actual crying experiences that they’ve commented on the RISD CRY sign-in sheet. https://docs.google.com/document/d/104Nm6rcP5_QPEbRmAwhxkWlpottrjS6XK7aFmEut8Ao/edit?tab=t.0
This series of works challenge the museum as an institution that is bound to the western history of expansionism and colonialism.
The Ones Who Didn’t Walk Away From Omelas - iJungle Merit Awarded Series
A series of illustrations that borrows its title from Ursula K. Le Guin's short philosophical fiction The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas.
A poster for the film "Between Names" by Lala Luo. Through an intimate narrative, the film explores the complexities of transracial adoption, the search for one's origins, and the layers of intersectional oppression.
A oil pastel portrait of my dog Moomin’s friend Lulu